KBM Master Alloys is the Dutch manufacturing company for a wide range of specialised master alloys, founded in the early sixties of the last century. KBM was originally named as Kawecki-Billiton formerly owned by Shell/Billiton. KBM together with its sister company Affilips NV in Belgium is the world’s largest manufacturer of non-ferrous master alloys delivering well over 40.000 tonnes of products to 80 different countries. KBM and Affilips have built an excellent reputation in the field of Aluminium-, Copper-, Nickel-, Cobalt- and Zinc-based master alloys. These master alloys are used in the manufacture of a wide range of metal products, including aluminium aircraft sheet, special steels and super alloys for aircraft engines, products for aerospace applications, nuclear reactors and other demanding applications. KBM and Affilips have established a reputation as an innovator and cost leader in the production of highly specialised Aluminium based master alloys such as the full range of Aluminium-Titanium-Boron grain refiners, Aluminium-Boron, Aluminium-Strontium and Aluminium-Scandium master alloys.Today KBM and Affilips are part of the ROBA Group of companies, which has been active in the metal industry for over 75 years and is based in The Netherlands.


KBM is involved in the development of AlSc master alloys since the late 1990’s. The chemical composition of the aluminium-scandium master-alloy is 2% scandium and the balance is 99.8% aluminium. The master alloy is used to add scandium to Al-Mg-Zr-Sc containing alloys, which are used in the form of sheet, plate, extrusions, forgings, and powder for Additive Layer manufacturing. These sheets, plates and extrusions are mainly used by aircraft manufactures. KBM has developed several different processes to manufacture an AlSc2 master alloy by using different types of Sc containing raw materials like scandium-oxide, -oxalate, -fluoride and pure scandium metal.

In SCALE KBM will assess and assist in the scale-up of developed Al-Sc production technologies.  Furthermore it will provide Al-Scdrosses to WP3 and WP4, in order for RTD partners to examine potential integration of drosses n their developed technologies, further promoting the circular economy model.