SINTEF is the largest independent contract research organization in Scandinavia and the 4th largest in Europe with approximately 2000 employees (70% of them are researchers). One of SINTEF’s business areas participating in the present proposal is SINTEF Materials and Chemistry (MC), which offers high competence within materials technology, applied chemistry and applied biology. The research division performs research and development, advanced consultancy and laboratory services. SINTEF MC works closely with industry in development of advanced materials, products, processes and new tools, and seeks out new, environmentally friendly processing methods that will increase productivity and raise quality standards.
SINTEF is one of the top 20 research organizations in the European Framework Programs with more than 273 projects between 2007 and 2013. Currently SINTEF MC participates in 36 EU-financed projects as a partner, and coordinates 10 projects. Expertise in REE metallurgy and especially in REE metal production is evident from coordination of the REE4EU project and participation in the REECover project.
SINTEF will participate in activities dealing with metal production (WP4) with focus on accessing Sc metal and Sc-Al alloy production using oxide raw materials by electrolytic methods from high temperature molten salts.